The changelog

Our feed of topical tech tips and nerdy news

SEMrush SEO writing assistant, product review and comparison

folder_openProduct Review, SEO
As technologists we’re constantly exploring new tech to make our lives easier, but occasionally we stumble on new stuff that actually makes us look good. The brand new SEMrush Writing Assistant promises to address both of these benefits. But as we know from many product launches, the hype machine is…

Working with not-for-profits

Code4Good Code 4 has a long history of working with not-for-profits (NFPs).  It’s always been important for us to do work that does good, and to help our clients get the strongest results possible. We’ve worked to assist NFPs with everything from website production and hosting, to helping them take advantage of opportunities such as...

Hello world!


When you learn to code, you don’t build a complex app on your first day. You start with a simple message, “Hello World!” And only after this do you continue to build.